
Manners and Conditions for participating in the DOLLSHOW


・主に人形服が取引されている。 値札がついていても人形と一緒の値段では無い。


DOLLSHOW is the event in which all kinds of Japanese dolls are shown.

  The event deals mainly with trading of dolls clothing. Often the clothing and the dolls themselves are sold separately.

  However, in cases where dolls are packaged together with clothing, the price displayed will most often include all items.




This event is open to anyone, regardless of nationality. But please be aware that should you break the rules, you will be scolded in Japanese and thrown out of the premises.

The rules are explained in the next paragraph.



パンフレット代は1500 日本円のみしか使用できない、クレジットカード不可


      When entering the venue

The brochure costs 1500 yen. Payment is only accepted in Japanese yen.

Credit card will be unaccepted.

You are only able to buy this on the 4 floor.





 整理券がない場合はそのまま最後尾に並ぶ。 二人以上で来て一緒に入りたい場合は、この整理券の無い列に並ぶ。 トイレは会場内にあり自由に使えるが、戻った時に列が移動していることもある、その場合はまた最後尾につく。


Tickets are numbered and distributed randomly between 9:00 and 10:00.(1000 yen) You cannot request preferred number or serial numbers, so do not ask.

You must wait in a line after you get a numbered ticket.

 If you do not have a numbered ticket, you must wait at the end of the line. If you have your company, you should wait in the line in which numbered tickets are not given. There are toilets in the venue. You are allowed to use them. However, since the lines move, you must queue again from the beginning.







The event starts at 11 a.m.

You are allowed to enter the venue 10 minutes before this but you are forbidden to start trading until 11 a.m.

The opening time will possibly be delayed.

You are not allowed to move between floors until 11:30.

This means you are unable to leave from the floor you first enter.



ただし15時以降は見せなくても良い。 会場は16時に終了する。


You must show the purchased brochure at the entrance of each floor.

You are able to go in and out on the 4.5.6 and 7 floor simply by showing the brochure.

However, you do not have to show it after 3 p.m.

The venue will close at 4 p.m.




・走ってはいけない ・廊下に座り込んでもいけない。


日本人は自分が映っている動画が公開されることを嫌がる。会場内での動画撮影は禁止行為である。 見つかったら注意されデータを消去させられる。


  After entering the event

  You should not run or sit in the corridor.

You must not film, even if you enjoy what you see.

Japanese people dislike being filmed by strangers. They also dislike the photo which they are in is upload on the internet. Therefore filming in the venue is forbidden. If you do it, you will be scolded and asked to delete the data.




 貴方はこのイベントに来たことを伝えたくて、会場の人混みを撮影しようと思うだろう。 だが主催者はイベントに来ることもプライバシーだと考えている。この場所にいることを知られたくない人間もいる。会場内の人混みの撮影は絶対にしてはいけない


  Do not take photos

You may think you want to take a photo of clouds of people in the venue to remember the event.

However, the organizer thinks that it is private that people come to this event. Some people do not want anyone to know that they are in this event. Therefore, you must not take photos in the venue.




12時以降 サツエイシテモイイデスカ (撮影しても良いですか) と聴く。

OKは「ハイ」 NGは「ダメデス」



展示されている人形に触ってはいけない 人形は壊れやすいので見るだけだ。

販売されている物には値段がついている。 安くして貰おうと値下げ交渉するのはやめたほうがいい。 日本人は最初から適切な値段をつけているし、外国人だからと言って値をつり上げたりはしない。



You are allowed to take photos of the dolls after 12 p.m.

You are forbidden to take any photos before 12 p.m. due to crowding.

Even after 12 p.m. You should ask in Japanese whether it is acceptable to take a photo. Satsueishitemoiidesuka? (May I take a photo?)

Yes is Hai. No is Damedesu

You are forbidden to take photos of staff selling dolls. They dislike photos being taken of them.

  When buying dolls.

You must not touch the displays. The dolls are fragile.

The dolls for sale are displayed with a price card. You should not to try to haggle the price. Japanese people set the clear prices on their products, and do not charge more for foreign customers.

If you find a doll you like without a price card, it is not for sale. The owner probably made a lot of effort to get it. You are advised to ask them of the manufacturer and whether or not you are able to purchase it.









  If you need explanation about a doll, you need to speak to staff in Japanese. Japanese people are educated in English. However, they do not use English in their daily life and so generally they do not remember it.

Most Japanese people try to answer you more kindly if you speak to them in Japanese rather than if you speak to them in English.

Japanese is a difficult language so you are advised to use applications on your smartphone should you have them.







  Can I upload photos of dolls I take at the event on the internet or twitter?

As long as your photos do not include any people, you will not receive complaints.

  Where can I have lunch?

There is a fast food Soba restaurant and a convenience store in front of the venue. They produce many kinds of dishes at cheap prices.








  I would like to participate the event as a dealer

You need to live in Japan and be able to speak Japanese fluently. The reason is that most of people coming to this event are Japanese.

If you contact the organizer in English, you will not be understood or accepted.

If you have a business visa, you are able to apply properly.

You are strictly controlled to sell your dolls under the regulations. Particularly dolls of a set (character which is part of a group) caused trouble and so are unacceptable.

If you work for a toy company which has its own agency in Japan, you are advised to contact us through the agency.